Accredited Coaching Supervision Training for Experienced Coaches Around the World.

Begin your journey to become an internationally accredited coaching supervisor today.

coaching supervision course
Supervisors Trained Worldwide
100 +
Countries and growing
3 +
International Accreditations

Are you looking for the right coaching supervision course?

Welcome to the International Centre for Coaching Supervision.

If you’re looking to train as a coaching supervisor, then you’re in the right place. 

Through our fully live, fully-virtual, accredited programme, our aim is to enable coaches from across the world to access a high-quality, experiential coaching supervision course.

Participants on our Diploma in Coaching Supervision enjoy a uniquely international group of fellow coaches who bring a diverse range of ideas, skills and global perspectives to the live training sessions.

And, of course, as a virtual programme, there’s no more expensive travel or accommodation to worry about.

You’ll be immersed in a wealth of ideas and practices that will bring depth and richness to your work as a future coaching supervisor, as well as to your existing coaching, and you’ll connect to a vibrant new community of practice.

If you would like to learn more about our coaching supervision course, head along to the Diploma in Coaching Supervision page or booked a call with us on our consultation page.

To learn more about coaching supervision in general, check out our blog where you’ll find heaps to get you thinking including articles from our founder, faculty and our alumni.

Download your FREE copy of The Complete Guide to Becoming a Coaching Supervisor + Checklists

Why Take Coaching Supervision Training?

coaching supervision course

As an experienced coach, you might wish to support other coaches on their professional journeys as well as helping steer the coaching profession into the future. 

And, given your experience, you might wonder why you would need training on a coaching supervision course.  After all, don’t you already have everything you need?

But coaching supervision is not simply about your using your current experience.  Nor is coaching supervision simply coaching the coach.

Certainly, the core skills of coaching, such as communication, inquiry and relationship remain critical, but training as a coaching supervisor widens your field of view immeasurably. It increases the scope, opportunity and depth of work with  a rich set of new behaviours, ideas and skills.  It calls on you to be a coach, a teacher, a guardian, a systemic thinker, a guide and a listener.

The experienced coach embarking on supervision training is often delighted and surprised by the range of new skills needed to be effective as a supervisor. 

Becoming a coaching supervisor will enrich you as a coach whilst taking you on a new journey of learning, development and impact.

Discover our Accredited Coaching Supervision Training Programme

coaching supervision course

Our Diploma in Coaching Supervision is one of the few fully virtual coaching supervision courses in the world.  

This means that wherever you are, you can train to become a coaching supervisor on a fully accredited programme.

Combining live expert-led tuition, group discussion, fishbowl supervision, breakout practice sessions, client work, reflective practice groups and more, our coaching supervision course ensures you become a highly-skilled and confident coaching supervisor.

Accredited by the EMCC, Association for Coaching and the ICF, the course takes around 9 months to complete and equips you with all the skills you need to be a professional coaching supervisor. 

3 Ways to Learn More About Our Coaching Supervision Course

Want to find out more about coaching supervision and our courses? Here are three ways you can learn more.

Book a Call with our Course Consultant

Book a call to speak with a qualified Coaching Supervisor about the course.

Book Now

Watch an In-Depth Video

Get instant access to watch a video on "The Art of the Coaching Supervisor" to find out what coaching supervision is and what it takes to become a supervisor.

Watch Now

Visit the Course Page

Check out our course page and discover course content, structure, dates, fees and much more as well as downloading a brochure.

Visit Now

Listen to a Deep-Dive Discussion on Coaching Supervision

Recent Blog Posts

Becoming a successful coaching supervisor starts with foundational skills from coaching. Discover the essential competencies and how they evolve in this rewarding new role.
Supervising beginner coaches requires empathy, guidance, and skill. Learn how to create a safe space, balance support with challenge, and nurture their growth effectively.
Hume’s Law highlights the leap from "what is" to "what ought to be." Discover how supervision helps coaches challenge assumptions and align with client values.

Our Accreditations

EMCC ESQA Coaching Supervision Training
AC ADCST Coaching Supervision Training
ICF CCE Coaching Supervision Training