When All You Have Is a Hammer: Staying Open and Flexible in Coaching
When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Discover how supervision helps coaches expand their approach and create greater impact.
The True Gift of Presence in Coaching
Explore how supervision helps coaches maintain presence in coaching and stay engaged, connected, and focused, especially during the busy holiday season.
Cutting Through the Chaos: Tackling Confusion and Overwhelm in Coaching
Navigate confusion and overwhelm in coaching. Discover how supervision helps coaches cut through the chaos, refocus on what matters, and guide clients forward.
Staying on Track: Navigating the Pitfalls of Losing Focus in Coaching
Explore how coaching can lose direction and become unproductive. Learn how supervision helps coaches refocus on outcomes, ensuring sessions stay impactful and goal-oriented.
Bursting the Bubble: Breaking Free from Coaching in Isolation
Discover how coaching in isolation limits impact. Supervision helps coaches burst the bubble, bringing stakeholder perspectives into the room for holistic, effective coaching.
Finding the Sweet Spot: Combining Support and Challenge in Coaching
Learn how walking the fine line between support and challenge in coaching leads to impactful conversations. Supervision helps coaches find the perfect balance for meaningful client growth.
Lifting the Veil: Uncovering Blind Spots in Coaching
Explore how blind spots in coaching affect coaching relationships and outcomes and how coaching supervision helps coaches reveal and address these hidden influences and limitations.
Breaking the Silence: Confronting Fear and Shame in Coaching Supervision
Explore how fear and shame in coaching shapes a coaching conversations, and how supervision can help coaches tackle these feelings for deeper, more authentic growth.
Ghosts and Stakeholders in Coaching and Supervision
Explore how ghosts and stakeholders in coaching—such as former mentors or past leaders—can unconsciously influence outcomes, and how supervision helps address these hidden dynamics.
Advice Giving in Coaching – When Coaches Become Experts
Discover why advice giving in coaching undermines effective coaching and learn how supervision can help coaches avoid the advice trap and empower clients.